C Student Detail Management System
Project Overview
Technologies Used
This project is developed using C programming language along with the graphics module to create a colorful and interactive interface. It utilizes text file handling for storing and managing student data efficiently.
Development & Background
This was my first-year project, where I learned about file handling in C and how to implement basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Under the guidance of my teacher, Tarun Sharma, I explored C's capabilities beyond console applications by integrating graphics to enhance the user experience.
The Student Detail Management System is designed for small-scale academic environments to manage student records effectively. Users can store, modify, search, and delete student details with ease, making it a useful tool for learning structured data storage.
--- Add Student Records – Input and save student details.
--- View Records – Display stored student information.
--- Modify Records – Update existing student details.
--- Delete Records – Remove outdated or incorrect entries.
--- Search Records – Quickly find a student by name or roll number.
--- Exit Panel – User-friendly interface with a proper exit option.
This project was a great learning experience, setting the foundation for future programming concepts.