Project Overview
Technologies Used
Engine is built using PHP for backend processing and MySQL for database management. The frontend is designed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, handled by my project partner Ishan Sharma. Payment processing is integrated using Razorpay API, ensuring a smooth checkout experience.
Development & Background
This was our final-year project, developed for our college’s annual project showcase. The project was initially conceived by Ishan Sharma, who designed a simpler interface before the event. Afterward, we upgraded the UI and functionalities to create a fully dynamic e-commerce platform. While Ishan handled the UI/UX, payment API integration, and front-end interactions, my role was to manage the backend logic, database structuring, and dynamic content integration.
Engine functions as a fully operational e-commerce platform, where users can browse products, purchase items, track orders, and manage their profiles. The site includes both user-facing and admin-facing panels for streamlined order processing and management.
--- Public Home Page – Anyone can browse products, view prices, discounts, and detailed product pages.
--- User Home Page – After login, users can purchase products instead of being redirected to the login/register page.
--- Secure Payment Gateway – Integrated with Razorpay API for real transactions.
--- Invoice Generation – After successful payment, users receive an invoice with full purchase details.
--- User Panel – Users can edit personal details, manage orders, and track purchases.
--- Admin Dashboard – Admins can view revenue stats, update products, track all purchases, and manage users.
--- Delivery Tracking System – A last-minute addition, this panel allows delivery personnel to update real-time order status, visible in the user's order history.
--- User Management – Admins can delete users or promote them to admins via the control panel.
Collaboration & Outcome
We built Engine from scratch. Ishan Sharma focused on UI/UX, while I developed the backend logic, database structure, and dynamic functionalities.